Break Our Hearts O God Christian Song Lyrics

Break Our Hearts O God For the sin in our lives Break our hearts For the sin in our land English Christian Song Lyrics.

Break Our Hearts O God Christian Song Lyrics in English

Break our hearts, O God,
Break our hearts.
Break our hearts, O God,
Break our hearts.

For the sin in our lives,
Break our hearts.
For the sin in our land,
Break our hearts.

We cry out, we need Your help;
Come back to our land.
We confess, we’ve lived in sin.
Please show Your
Power once again.

Break our hearts, O God,
Break our hearts.
Break our hearts, O God,
Break our hearts.

For the sin in our lives,
Break our hearts.
For the sin in our land,
Break our hearts.

We cry out, we need Your help;
Come back to our land.
We confess, we’ve lived in sin.
Please show Your
Power once again.

We cry out, we need Your help;
Come back to our land.
We confess, we’ve lived in sin.
Please show Your
Power once again.

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