If My People Will Humble Christian Song Lyrics

If My People Will Humble If My people’s hearts are humbled, If they pray and seek My face If they turn away from evil English Christian Song Lyrics.

If My People Will Humble Christian Song Lyrics in English

If My people’s hearts are humbled,
If they pray and seek My face;
If they turn away from evil,
I will not withhold My grace.

I will hear their prayers
From Heaven;
I will pardon every sin.
If My people’s hearts are humbled,
I will surely heal their land.

Then My eyes will see
Their sorrow,
Then My ears will hear their plea,
If My people’s hearts are humbled,
I will set their nation free.

If My people’s hearts are humbled,
If they pray and seek My face;
If they turn away from evil,
I will not withhold My grace.

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