Lovely Lady Dress In Blue Christian Song Lyrics
Lovely Lady Dress In Blue teach me how to pray God was just your little boy, tell me what to say English Christian Song Lyrics.
Lovely Lady Dress In Blue Christian Song Lyrics in English
Lovely Lady dress in Blue, teach me how to pray
God was just your little boy, tell me what to say.
Did you lift Him up sometimes, gently on your knee?
Did you sing to Him the way, Daddy does to me?
Did you hold His hand at night Did you ever try telling
Him stories of the world, Oh, and did He cry?
Do you really think He cares when I tell
Him things, little things that happen and do the angel’s wings –
make a noise and can you hear me if I speak low?
Does He understand me now? Tell me, for You know.
La belle dame habilee dans le bleu,
Enseignez-moi comment prier.
Dieu etait juste votre petit
Garcon – Dites-moi quoi dire
Avez vous avez tenu sa main la nuit,
avez vous afait jamais essai.
Dire des histories su le monde, O!
Et a til pleure Lovely lady dressed
in blue, teach me how to pray;
God was just your little boy and He
will know the way. Lovely lady,
Lovely lady, lovely lady blue; Lovely lady……
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