Sing to the Song Lyrics
Sing to the Lord a new song Sing to the Lord all the earth In the beauty of English Christian Song Lyrics Sung By. Pat Barrett.
Sing to the Christian Song in English
Sing to the Lord a new song
Sing to the Lord all the earth
In the beauty of His holiness
The beauty of His holiness
Sing to the Lord a new song
Sing to the Lord oh my soul
In the wonders of His mighty hand
The wonders of His mighty hand
Great is the Lord we cry
And greatly to be praised
Let every nation rise and say
Our God reigns, our God reigns
Sing to the Lord a new song
Worship the Lord evermore
In the glory of His majesty
The glory of His majesty
Your banner, Your banner over us is love, unfailing love
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him, all creatures here below
Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
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