The Old Time Religion Christian Song Lyrics

The Old Time Religion It’s the old-time Holy Spirit, And the devil won’t go near It English Christian Song Lyrics Sung by. Believers Song Book.

It’s the old-time Holy Spirit,
And the devil won’t go near It,
That’s the reason people fear It;
But it’s good enough for me.


Give me that old-time religion,
Give me that old-time religion,
Give me that old-time religion,
It’s good enough for me.

It will make you stop your lying;
It will save you when you’re dying;
It will start the devil flying;
And It’s good enough for me.

It’s so good I want no other,
For It makes me love my brother;
And It brings things from under cover,
And It’s good enough for me.

(It was good in the fiery furnace. . . )
(It was good for Paul and Silas. . . )
(It was good for our fathers. . . )
(Makes me love everybody. . . )
(It will do when I am dying. . .)
(It will take us all to Heaven. . .)

Other Songs from Believers Song Book Album

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