His Hands Were Pierced Christian Song Lyrics

His Hands Were Pierced The hands that made The mountain range and everglade English Christian Song Lyrics From the Album English Hymns.

His Hands Were Pierced Christian Song Lyrics in English

His hands were pierced,
The hands that made
The mountain range and everglade;
That washed the stains of sin away
And changed earth’s darkness into day.

His feet were pierced,
The feet that trod
The furthest shining star of God;
And left their imprint deep and clear
On ev’ry winding pathway here.

His heart was pierced,
The heart that burned
To comfort every heart that yearned,
And from it came a cleansing flood,
The river of redeeming blood.

His hands and feet
And heart, all three
Were pierced for me on Calvary,
And here and now to him I bring
My hands, feet, heart, an offering

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