How Firm A Foundation Christian Song Lyrics

How Firm A Foundation you saints of the Lord, is laid for your faith English Christian Song Lyrics From the Album English Hymns.

How Firm A Foundation Christian Song Lyrics in English

How firm a foundation,
you saints of the Lord,
is laid for your faith
in his excellent word;
what more can he say
than to you he has said,
you who unto Jesus
for refuge have fled?

Fear not, I am with you,
O be not dismayed;
for I am your God,
and will still give you aid;
I’ll strengthen you, help you,
and cause you to stand,
upheld by my righteous,
omnipotent hand.

In every condition,
in sickness, in health,
in poverty’s vale,
or abounding in wealth;
at home and abroad,
on the land, on the sea,
as your days may demand
shall your strength ever be.

When through the deep waters
I call you to go,
the rivers of grief
shall not you overflow;
for I will be with you
in trouble to bless,
and sanctify to you
your deepest distress.

When through fiery trials
your pathway shall lie,
my grace all-sufficient
shall be your supply;
the flame shall not hurt you,
my only design
your dross to consume
and your gold to refine.

The soul that on Jesus
has leaned for repose
I will not, I cannot,
desert to its foes;
that soul, though all hell
should endeavour to shake,
I never will leave,
I will never forsake

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