Never Later Than This Day Christian Song Lyrics

Never Later Than This Day now, my God, Thy power display English Christian Song Lyrics From the Album English Hymns.

Never Later Than This Day Christian Song Lyrics

Never later than this day
now, my God, Thy power display.
Now, oh cleanse by Jesus’ blood,
set me free to live for God.
Vain the worldling’s fleeting joys,
vain his pomp, his power, his poise.
Lord, I come again to Thee,
Christ my present Saviour be.

Now my longing soul, Lord, fill,
now restore to do Thy will,
desperate, Lord, I fall on Thee,
now my God, deliver me.
Perish every vain desire,
burn with pure, celestial fire,
Holy Ghost Thy promise prove,
fill me now with perfect love.

On Thy Word my stand I take,
Thou dost cleanse for Jesus’ sake!
Thou the mighty work must do,
to Thy promises be true.
Now the blood doth sanctify,
now with Christ, I gladly die,
now the Holy Ghost doth purge,
now, through all, His life doth surge.

Lord, the wonder of this hour,
God hath come in mighty power,
sinful fetters broken lie,
God by grace hath brought me nigh.
What redemption, Lord, I find!
God possessing heart and mind.
Thou, oh Lord, dost set me free,
all my life I yield to Thee

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