O Christ, What Burdens Bowed Thy Head Christian Song Lyrics

O Christ, What Burdens Bowed Thy Head Our load was laid on Thee English Christian Song Lyrics From the Album English Hymns.

O Christ, What Burdens Bowed Thy Head Christian Song Lyrics

O Christ, what burdens bowed Thy head!
Our load was laid on Thee;
Thou standest in the sinner‟s stead,
didst bear all ill for me.
A victim led, Thy blood was shed;
now there‟s no load for me.

Death and the curse were in our cup:
O Christ, „twas full for Thee!
But Thou hast drained the last dark drop,
„This empty now for me:
that bitter cup, love drank it up:
now blessing‟s draught for me.

The tempest‟s awful voice was heard,
O Christ, it broke on Thee!
Thy open bosom was my ward,
it braved the storm for me.
Thy form was scarred, Thy visage
now cloudless peace for me.

For me, Lord Jesus, Thou hast died,
and I have died in Thee:
Thought risen, my bands are all untied;
and now Thou livest in me:
when purified, made white, and tried,
Thy glory then for me!

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