Praise Waits For Thee Christian Song Lyrics

Praise Waits For Thee in Zion, Lord to Thee vows paid shall be English Christian Song Lyrics From the Album English Hymns.

Praise Waits For Thee Christian Song Lyrics

Praise waits for Thee in Zion,
Lord to Thee vows paid shall be.
Thou that The hearer art of prayer,
all flesh shall come to Thee.

Iniquities, I must confess,
prevail against me do:
but as for our transgressions,
them purge away shalt Thou.

Blessed is the man whom Thou dost choose,
and makest approach to Thee,
that he within thy courts, O Lord,
may still a dweller be.

We surely shall be sathisfied
with Thy abundant grace,
and with the goodness of Thy house,
even of Thy holy place.

O God of our salvation,
Thou, in Thy righteousness,
by fearful works unto our prayers,
Thine answer dost express.

Therefore the ends of all the earth,
and those afar that be
upon the sea, their confidence,
O Lord will place in Thee.

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