Send The Flood Tides Christian Song Lyrics
Send The Flood Tides of Thy blessing! Pour exhaustless draughts of grace English Christian Song Lyrics From the Album English Hymns.
Send The Flood Tides Christian Song Lyrics
Send the flood tides of Thy blessing!
Pour exhaustless draughts of grace;
in the spate of heavenly glory
oh, my God, spare me a place.
Come around us, o’er us, on us,
fill our souls with holy fire,
come in glory, stand among us!
Oh my soul, to God aspire!
Cleanse! Thou mighty flood-tide –
cleanse me
purer than the driven snow!
Oh, the precious blood doth reach me,
His blessed cleansing now I know!
God is here in matchless splendour,
gone the glory of earth’s sun,
blinded by the vision glorious,
Lord in me, Thy will be done.
Hallelujah! Glory! Glory!
God in majesty doth sweep,
gushing forth a mighty torrent,
o’er land and sea His power doth leap.
Oh, Thou Victor – ride in Triumph!
Blood-bought riches Thou must claim,
on till we with hosts of glory
swell forever Thy mighty fame!
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