Thy Word Is Christian Song Lyrics

Thy Word Is to my feet a lamp, and to my path a light English Christian Song Lyrics Sung by. English Hymns.

Thy word is to my feet a lamp,
and to my path a light.
I sworn have, and I will perform,
to keep Thy judgements right.

I am with sore affliction
even overwhelmed, O Lord:
In mercy raise and quicken me,
according to Thy word.

The free-will-offerings of my mouth
accept, I Thee beseech:
and unto me Thy servant, Lord,
Thy judgements clearly teach.

Though still my soul be in my hand,
Thy laws I‟ll not forget.
I erred not from them, though for me
the wicked snares did set.

I of Thy testimonies have
above all things made choice,
to be my heritage for aye;
for they my heart rejoice.

I carefully inclined have
my heart still to attend;
that I Thy statutes may perform
alway unto the end.

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